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own devices | Managed IT Services from ITGUYS | London-Based IT Company

How do I keep my business data secure when my employees are using their own devices?

Working from home has quickly become the new “normal”, thanks to the current situation. And it’s uncovered a whole new set of challenges for many businesses. Some of the biggest sit within the concept of BYOD (that’s Bring Your Own Device).

The thinking is that so long as your people have their own laptop, computer, or tablet and are connected to the internet they should be fine. Right?

Actually, there’s a lot you still need to consider when employees are using their own devices.

Just because many of us are working from home doesn’t mean we can forget about the security measures we’re so fastidious about in the office. In fact, if your people are using their own devices, you should be even more cautious.

Sadly, cyber criminals are taking advantage of this global panic to do what they do best. We’ve seen an upsurge in attempts to steal data and breach systems, many based around the Coronavirus.

7 crucial steps…

So, in this month’s guide, we’ve created a checklist for you to work through to ensure that your people can work on their own devices, without compromising your business’s data security.

There’s no doubt that this is a testing time for business. We made sure the majority of our clients were ready for remote working, long before they needed it.

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