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It’s tedious, complex, expensive and onerous! But don’t panic, we’ll guide you to GDPR success

It happened, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in EU member states on 25th May 2018. In fact, we should start calling it the DPA (Data Protection Act 2018) – hey, it’s one less letter to say! Woop-Woop!  And even when Britain leaves the EU, don’t think you’re off the GDPR hook, the Act remains!

Floss like a boss!

Let’s set the scene, imagine it’s the first thing in the morning and you’re brushing your teeth (stay with us, it’s a good GDPR analogy!). Your dentist has told you to floss, it’s extra work but worth it in the long run and you know it makes good sense. Well, now imagine that the dentist requires you to produce a spreadsheet showing flossing times, a monitor who confirms that the flossing has indeed taken place, a report detailing the effectiveness of the flossing. It doesn’t stop there, you now need to visit the Chief of Flossing to demonstrate that your teeth are floss compliant. Now, you’re probably building up a clearer picture of the level of rigour needed (and the level of tedium) to be GDPR compliant.

It’s not a 5 minute job

GDPR requires companies to invest money and brain power on becoming compliant, and it’s not a 5-minute job! There’s a long list of processes and documentation you need to produce to avoid a hefty fine from the ICO if you get hacked and some Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is stolen. Sounds serious and complicated, and honestly, it is! But don’t panic, you can show commitment to GDPR by attaining a Cyber Essentials certification. (Link insert)

Flexing our GDPR muscle – in training

ITGUYS is currently training for the Information Assurance for SMEs (IASME) Gold Governance Standard, in order to advise and assist in getting companies GDPR/DPA-ready. In April 2017 we obtained Cyber Essentials Plus certification (link to compliance statement) after working with a consultant to ensure we were fully GDPR compliant.

We can professionally and confidently support you on your quest to GDPR compliance, just put the kettle on and leave the “flossing” to us.

Please see our GDPR compliance statement here.